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  • 联系电话:07 3210 1383
  • 地址:Level 1, 155 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
  • 电子邮箱:info@008.com.au

At AUG, all our services are free, right from your very first contact with us. Our counsellors will provide free advice and guidance in exploring your study options, lodging and follow up on your applications as well as assisting you in getting acceptance into the institution with the course of your choice. Our services also include assistance in student visa application, sourcing for student accommodation, flight booking and airport reception. Above all, we have pre-departure sessions that will equip you with information on culture shock, health and travel insurance, medical and financial issues, which will help prepare you for your overseas study.
Since its establishment, AusEd has played a major role in international education and development, and AusEd brand has outgrown its name with the introduction of new business entities (UniEd, SchoolEd and Bond and Forsyth). Over the years, our objectives have expanded from a focus on Australia education market to now a global market. Thus, to manage its ever growing business entities, as of July 1st 2010, AusEd, UniEd, SchoolEd and Bond and Forsyth are now integrated into one name, AUG (AusEd UniEd Group). This rebranding signifies our continued growth in the international education market and has positioned us as the top provider of high quality student placement services.

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