当前位置:墨尔本澳洲华人黄页 Chinesepage.com.au | 008.com.au > 墨尔本杂务 > 墨尔本清洁公司
  • 区域:墨尔本中心(City, Dockland)
  • 联系人:.
  • 联系电话:0452 206 586
  • 地址:Melbourne
  • 电子邮箱:zzz0zz0z@hotmail.com

以下仅为大概描述, 具体详情请来电咨询:
Tel:0452 206 586
1. 退房 /返镑金 清洁
Throughout cleaning package
Bedrooms, Lounge room & Dining room
Bathroom / Toilet / Laundry
Kitchen / Ring hood / Bench top
2. 家庭once-off / regular 清洁
General cleaning for :
Bedrooms, Lounge room & Dining room
Bathroom / Toilet / Laundry
Kitchen / Ring hood / Bench top
3. 商业 office 等清洁
Reliable cleaning service:
Vacuuming, Sweeping, mopping and polishing of floors
kitchen cleaning for countertops microwaves toasters andrefrigerators.
Restroom cleaning and disinfecting
        Dusting off officeblinds, furniture, light fittings etc.
4. 蒸汽地毯清洁
We pre-vacumm the carpet for you
FreeDeodoriser and mould treatment
     Free of charge for stairs and hallway
     Our products are non toxic, Quick dry and safe.
5. 提供各种单项清洁服务.
例如, kitchen, bathroom, toiletcleaning & floor mopping etc.

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