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法律援助处律师LegalAid Lawyers

杜戈.欧布莱恩.乔治刑事律师事务所在Melbourne, Broadmeadows, Heidelberg, MoorabbinSunshine都有办公室。
Doogue O’Brien GeorgeCriminal Lawyers is a criminal law firm with offices in Melbourne,Broadmeadows, Heidelberg, Moorabbin, and Sunshine. Our legal aid lawyers handlelegal aid cases for Victoria Legal Aid (“VLA”).

– 所有支付墨尔本法律援助律师的费用都由维州法律援助处支付。
If your charges arelegally aided, then you will not pay us any fees – all fees for legal aidlawyers Melbourne are covered by Victoria Legal Aid. As legal aid lawyers weare on the legal aid panel, and Victoria Legal Aid will pay us to act for legalaid clients if they satisfy the VLA guidelines.

我们墨尔本法律援助处的律师处理过许多严重罪行的案子,例如谋杀,毒品都是法律援助的案子,还有更多在地区法院审理的简单案子。Ourlegal aid lawyers Melbourne handle many serious indictable matters, such asmurders or drug cases, which are legal aid cases, as well as more simple casesthat are heard in the Magistrates’ Court.

要满足法律援助的条件,你必须通过财产评估,来判断你是否有资格获得法律援助资金,并且要通过一个**测试,搞清楚你面临的罪行的严重程度,是否给你法律援助金。WhetherVictoria Legal Aid act for you, or we act as your legal aid lawyers, to beeligible for legal aid you must pass a financial assessment to determinewhether you are entitled to legal aid funding and undergo a merits test toascertain whether the charges you face are serious enough to warrant legal aidfunding the case.

As a legal aid client,you can sometimes choose whom you want to represent you as your legal aidcriminal defence lawyer in Melbourne. You can call and choose a lawyer fromVictoria Legal Aid or you can call us and we will represent you.

墨尔本办公室的电话是(03) 9670 5111Wecan assess whether you are eligible for legal aid at our Melbourne Office sophone us as soon as possible and we will start looking after your case. OurMelbourne office phone number is (03) 9670 5111.


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