陈氏钢琴行墨尔本新店隆重开业! 陈氏钢琴行始创于90年代初,拥有多家德国及日本知名品牌钢琴和数码钢琴的经销权,出售全新二手SEILER, SAUTER, KAWAI ,YAMAHA ,OTAMO,ROLAND,PETROF,SCHOENMANN等各种档次各种价位钢琴。
陈氏钢琴行 Enfield 店:
地址:136 Liverpool Rd, Enfield NSW 2136
电话:(02) 9715 7118 / 0448 896 899
陈氏钢琴行 Chatswood 店:
地址:390 Eastern Valley Way, Chatswood NSW 2067
电话:02 9882 6618 / 0448 896 899
陈氏钢琴行 Penshurst 店:
地址:498 Forest Rd, Penshurst NSW 2222
电话:02 9586 1138 / 0433 116 181
陈氏钢琴行 Melbourne 店:
地址:30 Willow ave, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150
电话:03 9886 7786 / 0433 968 933
陈氏钢琴行 Melbourne 新店:
地址:1/200 Princes Hwy, Dandenong, Vic 3175
电话:03 8774 3388 / 0433 968 933
Sydney Piano World is a premium dealer of quality acoustic pianos, digital pianos and guitars. We have a large selection of quality brands such as SAUTER, hand-crafted German made pianos recognised as one of the world's best, top Japanese brand KAWAI, plus a great value selection of 2nd hand and brand new YAMAHA, KAWAI, SCHOENMANN and the popular digital piano, keyboard and stage piano brand of choice ROLAND.
Our guitars offer something to suit beginners to professionals and include our exclusive German brands BATON ROUGE and LA MANCHA. Other recommended brands include CARAYA, HAZE and SUZUKI. We are also proud to present an impressive range of beautifully-crafted ukeleles.
We also offer a range of services including piano tuning, piano removal, rental and evaluations.
Call our specialists today and we would be pleased to assist you with your musical needs.
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