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  • 区域:
  • 联系人:Jimmy Li
  • 联系电话:0421678797
  • 地址:14 Orpington St, Ashfield, NSW
  • 电子邮箱:Jiameng@eswnman.com.au

ESWNMAN Pty Ltd是一家岩土勘察设计咨询公司。服务悉尼及新兰威尔士州房地产开发的地基基础岩土和地质勘查服务。我们Chartered Geotechncial Engineer 注册岩土工程师为您把关和提供一下服务:

Our geotechnical services include the following:
•  Geotechnical Desktop Study
•  Geotechnical Investigation
•  Site Classification for Residential Construction
•  Field Water Absorption and Permeability Test
•  Geotechnical Design
•  Footing Inspections (Shallow and Piled Foundations)
•  In-situ Soil Bearing Capacity Assessment
•  Slope Stability Analysis, Slope/Wall Remediation and Retaining Wall Design
•  Land Capability Assessment for Effluent Disposal
•  Vibration Monitoring Plan
•  Excavation Methodology 
•  Ground Movement Monitoring Plan
•  Contingency Plan
•  Hydrogeological Study
•  Dilapidation Survey 
•  Pavement Investigation

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