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  • 区域:北西区(Eastwood)
  • 联系人:
  • 联系电话:0468869611
  • 地址:985 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW 2114

We are the Sydney’s best-known Massage located in West Ryde. We have Professional masseur from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, China and mixed who provide you with a professional massage service using the highest quality oils. They are professional trained and provide traditional massage, leave you body and mind at a sense of ease.Our beautiful young and elegant masseuses will make sure your time with us is all about relaxation and comfort.
They will provide you a mixture of therapeutic bodywork with professional & relaxation massage skills and pamper you all the time from top to toe.

后门入口。在Graf Ave大道停车
985 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW 2114

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