当前位置:悉尼澳洲华人黄页 Chinesepage.com.au | 008.com.au > 悉尼成人服务 > 悉尼按摩院
  • 区域:悉尼市中心(City)
  • 联系人:
  • 联系电话:0423 802 202
  • 地址:202 Harris St, Pyrmont NSW 2009

We are the Finest Casino Asian Full Body Massage located in Pyrmont. We have Professional masseur from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, China and mixed who provide you with a professional massage service using the highest quality oils. They are professional trained and provide traditional massage, leave you body and mind at a sense of ease.Our beautiful young and elegant masseuses will make sure your time with us is all about relaxation and comfort.

They will provide you a mixture of therapeutic bodywork with professional & relaxation massage skills and pamper you all the time from top to toe.

30 mins - $40.00

45 mins - $50.00

60 mins - $60.00


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