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  • 联系电话:0421166762
  • 地址:2 Thornleigh Street, Thornleigh NSW, 2120
  • 电子邮箱:aualirug@gmail.com

We are one of the best online retailers of handmade Moroccan rugs in Sydney Australia. Purchase our wonderful handmade rugs at lowest price & enjoy free shipping service all across Australia.

Aualirug guarantees our clients obtain the best quality of authentic Moroccan handmade rugs and other homewares with a variety of colours and styles available to suit your style. We strongly believe that all our products will benefit you for experiencing the handmade goods.

We provide our clients a wide variety of Beni Ourain, Azilal, Glaoui, Taznakht, Yacoub, Zemmour rugs and other handmade Moroccan homewares. The reason we do so is to beautify your home with the inspiration.

Our prestigious items are handcrafted by our own local skilful artisans. They are rooted Meknes villagers who maintain this handmade “treasure” from their ancestors. Therefore, our Moroccan rugs are made in 100% natural wools.


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