当前位置:悉尼澳洲华人黄页 Chinesepage.com.au | 008.com.au > 悉尼商业办公 > 悉尼物流快递
  • 区域:悉尼市中心(City)
  • 联系人:.
  • 联系电话:02 9540 3484 FAX: 02 9525 6669
  • 地址:Suite 3A, 155 Taren Point Road, Taren Point, NSW 2
  • 电子邮箱:tim@chinasearates.com

www.chinasearates .com is the first of its kind in the world. It is an online shipping price marketplace for China to Australia. We have 200 plus Chinese freight agents in our system. They all submit their rates to us and that is how we have the marketplace is delivered to you. We have a Chinese speaking licensed customs broker and offer air freight from China. Local delivery is not a problem. We have the cheapest price for freight from China to Australia.


China sea rates is a sea freight calculator from China to Australia for any size shipment. Over 500 Chinese freight companies input their rates online to bid for the opportunity to handle your shipment. This makes China Sea Rates the most competitive place to find the cheapest freight rates. All Chinese freight companies listed on this site have been strictly analyzed to ensure that the rates offered are real and set. If at anytime you have a problem please feel free to contact us.

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