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  • 区域:南西区(Burwood)
  • 联系人:.
  • 联系电话:0425 249 877
  • 地址:1/42 Harp Street, Belmore NSW 2192, Australia
  • 电子邮箱:sales@besttimberfloors.com.au

我们拥有超过30年的历史,并在 NSW有1000多个客户。我们提供最好的服务,并以顾客的需求为第一目标。精工安装各种楼梯,地板,打磨抛光,修理有问题地板。亲临现场安装,报价免费,保您满意,价格合理。 几百个地板款式供大家挑选,做到客户满意!!!

As we know that customers are the most important people to our business, we always put our customer to the first. Whenever you contact us, one of our best sales people will give you a very warm greeting, and then he or she will provide you the information that you want. Best Timber Floors 

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