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  • 区域:南西区(Burwood)
  • 联系人:.
  • 联系电话:(02)9728 3100
  • 地址:15 Lisbon Street , Fairfield NSW 2165
  • 电子邮箱:gary@activeforklift.com.au

Active Forklift是一间独立拥有的澳大利亚公司,专门质量保证的叉车及配件的出租和租赁。 我们有超过80年的质量和服务保证,并根据您个人的需求来专业指导。 我们将给与你最好的价格,免费咨询。

Active Forklift is an independently owned Australian company that specialises in the hire and rental of dependable forklifts and accessories.  We have over 80 years forklift industry experience which guarantees excellent service and proficient understanding of your individual requirements. 

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