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  • 区域:内西区(Ashfield)
  • 联系人:.
  • 联系电话:02 9789 6686
  • 地址:sydney
  • 电子邮箱:info@008.com.au

IHOMESYDNEY based in Sydney, is one of the leading floor-boards suppliers and installers in Sydney area.

Business ranges cover timber floors, carpets, tiles, painting, kitchens and bathrooms renovation. Three showrooms located at Campsie, Homebush West and Gosford. Each showroom is staffed by people with extensive knowledge and expertise to advise customers on their individual requirements. Over 1000 home renovation jobs have been done with us.

We have built good relationships with plenty of agents, developers, builders, and local customers. Good quality products, good customer services and good reputations make IHOMESYDNEY more professional, more reliable, and unbeatable. We do believe that our professional services will make your home quickly upgrading, brilliant looking, and comfortable living.


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