Diversion for Theft and Obtain Property By Deception 盗窃和诈骗财物控告获得庭外从轻处理
Our client was charged with Theft (including a mobile phone, wallet, key sand cash), three charges of Obtaining Property By Deception(using cards from the stolen wallet to make purchases), andHandling Stolen Goods. She had allegedly stolen the victim’s wallet at a pokies venue and then used the bank cards from the wallet to make a number of subsequent purchases. The police had initially refused diversion on the basis that the matter was too serious. 我们的当事人被控告偷窃(包括一部手机,钱包,钥匙和现金),三项诈骗财物罪(使用被窃钱包信用卡购物),盗用偷窃物品。当事人承认她在赌场老虎机偷窃了受害人的钱包,然后使用了钱包里的银行卡数次购买消费。警察一开始拒绝给予庭外从轻处理,他们认为这件案子比较严重。
Rowan Slattery represented the client at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court. For this case, he was ultimately successful in obtaining a diversion for Theft and Obtain Property By Deception. 若万斯雷特瑞代表客户在墨尔本地方法院出庭。若万律师最终为客户争取了庭外从轻处理。
Initially, Rowan discussed the prosecution’s refusal to offer diversion with the magistrate and sought an indication from him about whether or not the matter was suitable for diversion in the magistrate’s own view. This was done in order to put pressure on the prosecution. Following submissions, his Honour agreed that he would deal with the matter by way of diversion if it was offered by the prosecution. 首先,若万律师和法官讨论了警察拒绝给庭外从轻处理这件事情,法官会给出自己的意见这个案子是否适合做庭外从轻处理。若万律师的目的是给警察施加压力。最终法官同意给出庭外从轻处理,前提是警方也要同意。
Following further discussions with the prosecutor, an offer for diversion was agreed upon. The client was subsequently granted diversion which was a great result as she managed to maintain her clean criminal record. 然后若万律师又回来和警察商量,最终达成一致。然后当事人顺利获得庭外从轻处理的判决结果,这样她就没有任何犯罪记录。
杜戈.欧布莱恩.乔治Doogue O'Brien George墨尔本最大刑事律师行之一,专注刑事案(驾驶相关的违法,酒驾,超速;商业欺诈,商业纠纷,被人陷害;偷东西,枪械,作伪证;毒品,人身攻击,走私,性犯罪)
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