You Signs has been in business for decades and has worked with a number of Shop Fitters, cabinet factories, large glass factories and the government. The production and construction experience is extensive and the product range is complete. Shipped throughout Australia. If you need to provide installation services, we have free home measurements in Sydney.
一、数码印刷:Digital Print
名 片 (Business Card) 传 单(Flyer)
代金券(Voucher) 礼物卡 ( Gift Voucher)
明信片(Post Card) 菜 牌 (Menu)
宣传册 (Brochure) 楼 书 (Property Brochure)
海 报 (Poster)
橱窗贴纸 (Window Sticker) 可打印墙纸 (Printable wall paper)
喷 绘 布 (Vinyl Banner) 地 板 贴 (Floor Sticker)
网 格 布 (Mesh Banner) 旗 子 (POD Flag)
三、展示展览:Display and Exhibition Booth
背 景 墙 (Media Wall) 背 景 板 (Media Board)
展 示 台 (Portable Counter) LED 灯 (LED Light)
LED 屏 (LED Screen) 异形道具 (Props)
易 拉 宝 (Pull up banner) A 字 牌 (A Frame)
帐 篷 (Marquees)
灯 箱 (Light Box) 发光字 (Illuminated Letter)
立体字 (3D Letter) 楼 牌 (Building Sign)
门 牌 ( Door Sign) 各种材质招牌 (All kinds of Material Sign Board)
磨砂膜 (Frosted film) 太阳膜 (Tint) 防爆膜 (Explosion-proof Film)
六、汽车车身广告 (Car Sticker)
Sales Name: Bo
联系电话0452 665 256
网站更新建设中!Website updating
Contact Person: .Bo | Phone: 0452665256 |
Website: updating | Email: |
Address: sydney | Area: (Reference)Australia |